Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Club members have busy start

The Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Club has been operating for 33 years.

My name is Taylor Hall, and this is my third year with the the Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Club. I am the group's new club reporter.

The Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Clubhas been operating for 33 years. This year, we have 14 members from the surrounding area, including Airdrie, Beiseker, Crossfield, and Madden.

Since kicking off our 33rd year in October, our club has been busy with monthly meetings, working with our beef projects, project weigh-ins, volunteering for set-up and take-down at the Crossfield Farmers Market, and volunteering by sorting and filling the Crossfield Christmas food hampers. 

The new year kicked off with our members preparing their speeches or presentations for our communications event that took place in February. We would like to thank ALTALINK for sponsoring our communications event.

Looking ahead, we will continue working with our beef projects leading up to our club grooming day later this month, followed by our club achievement day in May and preparation for our final show-and-sale at 4H On Parade at the Calgary Stampede grounds from June 1 to 4. 

At the last two events, there will be a wide variety of our members' projects on display, including steers, heifers, and cow/calf pairs.

Our 4H club would also like to thank FCC for the grant which our club recently received. We appreciate the support that companies have for youth programs and 4H in particular.

Anyone who may be interested in sponsorship opportunities with our club or purchasing all or a portion of a project beef steer is asked to please contact our club leader at       

Our club is always welcoming new members. You can keep up to date with all the club events and news on our Facebook page, which can be found by searching Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Club Past and Present.

—Submitted by the Crossfield Madden 4H Beef Club

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