New scout group forming in Balzac

A new scouting group is starting up in Balzac this September, and it promises a whole lot of fun for area youth.

Organizers say the group will meet weeknights at the Balzac United Church, to offer scouting to youth in Airdrie, Balzac and North Calgary, as existing groups in the area are generally full.

“Sandra (Popovich) and I were both involved with Second Airdrie (Scout Group) and we started getting calls,” said Alisha Borsje-Latimer, organizer. “Everyone in Airdrie is full to the gills, we had no choice but to tell them ‘no.’”

The club will feature Beavers for children ages five to seven, Cubs for ages eight to 10 and, if there is enough interest, Scouts for youth ages 11 to 15. Both boys and girls are welcome to join.

Beavers and Scouts will meet Tuesdays and Cubs will meet Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Borsje-Latimer is excited about the new group and recommends it for anyone interested in learning outdoor pursuits, such as camping and how to build a fire. Participants also learn life skills, she added.

“Scouts is the only organization that is based fully on the youth,” said Borsje-Latimer. “Its foundations are respect and sharing.”

Participants earn badges for a variety of skills from cooking, winter camping and first aid to handicrafts and helping in the kitchen.

“The first time I saw a youth start a fire, and the delight on their face, it was absolutely phenomenal,” said Borsje-Latimer, who has two sons involved in scouting. “It is a great outlet for (youth) to be themselves.”

Currently, the club has capacity for about 70 members, but is in need of more volunteers.

“We are looking for volunteers to help run these programs,” said Borsje-Latimer. “The time commitment is three to four hours per week. I signed up two years ago to become a leader and I have never regretted it.”

Registration for the 1st Balzac Scouts will take place Sept. 1, at the Balzac United Church, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Cost for registration is $155 for the year. To find out more email

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