Council should seek mediation

Dear Editor,

In response to recent letters from former councillors and a current, non-sanctioned councillor, may I suggest that there is an easy solution to ending this miserable situation: ask for mediation (as the sanctioned councillors have already done). It will then be determined who is in the right.

In response to a recent letter from Louise Locke, as well as previous letters, complaining that Samanntha Wright is anti-gravel pit and anti-development, among other things, I would like to point out that Wright – as well as the majority of Bearspaw residents – is not anti-anything. She and residents are just asking that development be done in a fashion similar to the way it has been done in the area for many decades and that the gravel pits be restricted to a reasonable number, for example, only allowing new ones to be opened as and when old ones are closed down. Bearspaw is a residential acreage area, not an industrial one – that is all we are saying.

Lynn Chambers
Division 8

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