Councillors could have attended open house

RE: “Representation sanctioned,” letter, Aug. 6.

Dear Editor,

I don’t usually respond to Letters to the Editor, even when opinions stretch the truth a bit. But I must correct misinformation in Gloria Wilkinson’s letter about sanctioned Couns. Kevin Hanson, Samanntha Wright and Crystal Kissel not attending our outstanding County pancake breakfast and open house in July.

The letter stated the councillors were restricted from interactions outside of council meetings, and that’s simply not true.

Every Rocky View County councillor – sanctioned or not – can vote on County matters, represent their residents, meet with people, attend public events and receive County information.

The three councillors were censured and sanctioned for providing privileged County legal information to unauthorized parties, and for disrespectful and discourteous communication. Council voted to remove the councillors from active roles in committees, require them to seek permission before expensing travel or representing council, and limit their direct contact with staff.

Nothing in council’s actions restricts the sanctioned councillors ability to fully and effectively do the jobs they were elected to do.

All councillors were welcome at our open house event, and I know of at least four communications inviting us and letting us know what was happening and how we could participate.

The sanctioned councillors may have had a very good reason for not attending. But nothing in council’s sanctions prevented them from coming out, having fun and sharing a pancake and a chat with the terrific people of Rocky View County.

Greg Boehlke
Reeve, Rocky View County

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