Petition will go nowhere with UCP in charge

RE: “Petition seeks to address traffic concerns,” article, July 25.

Dear Editor,

The petition Mayor Peter Brown said would “help raise awareness about the need for improvements to Airdrie’s transportation network,” will go nowhere at all.

During the 2019 provincial election, Jason Kenney said several times that, should the UCP get elected, it was “going to hurt.” What he meant by that was, it was going to hurt the local economy, proposed infrastructure projects and anything else that the NDP had planned and put into future budgets.

When voters gave the UCP the green light, they gave it the approval to postpone or even cancel projects like the 40 Avenue overpass, the superlab and other needed investments in the future of Alberta. Meanwhile, the UCP plans to give the wealthy and big corporations tax breaks. How nice of them.

That is what you get when you vote for a government that wants to “balance the budget” through departments that only care about the bottom line instead of providing services and benefits, ministers who toe the party line at the expense of needed improvements to the province’s well-being, and delayed or cancelled province-wide projects like overpasses and other upgrades the previous government had already approved.

Petitions are only as good as the governments they are brought to. With – among other things – the leadership crimes, fines and subpoenas, earplugs, dancing in fountains when the GSA safety net was removed, the delay in school funding (except for private and charter schools), removal of $25-per-day childcare spots, and the secretive $30-million backroom deal “war room,” the UCP is already one of the worst governments in Alberta’s history. And it hasn’t even tabled its first budget.

We won’t get that overpass without it hurting even more, if we get it at all before the next election. So, complain all you want. You only have yourselves to blame when you supported the UCP over all alternatives. This government has no respect for democracy or you.

Ron Roffel

Silver Springs

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