Canada geese – not so much

Dear Editor, You would think the brown, bottom-heavy bird with a black, giraffe-like neck and head with a white mask around the chin and eyes would be proud to be called Canadian. In saying this, our magnificent birds do not continuously shine our Canadian characteristics in their day-to-day actions. The typical Canadian characteristics are: politeness, kindness, gentleness, over-apologetic and eh, we’re pretty darn cool. Uncharacteristic of Canadians would be: rudeness, loudness, rough and prideful – which is the precise description of the goose we call Canadian. Completely disregarding sanitation and decent hygiene by dropping waste bombs in every which direction, Canada geese are far from considerate. I, myself, am a survivor of a Canada goose attack. As I strolled by a pond, I encountered two intimidating Canada geese. The birds enlarged themselves by puffing out their chests with pride and charged with all their might. A horrid, ear-piercing, hissing noise rose out of the birds as they tried to bite and pounce on me, the victim. Luckily, they were not interested in a race, as running was an effective way to escape the rude and extremely territorial Canada goose. Finally, Canada geese do not possess the polite and apologetic Canadian nature. In closing, I think the not-so-Canadian Canada geese need to work on being proud to be called Canadian. I’ll leave that decision up to you. Gabrielle Scott (14 years old) Edgewater

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