Cochrane ag society grateful for RVC efforts

Dear Editor,

With so much effort being put into reporting on the controversies within Rocky View County (RVC), it is easy to start losing perspective on all of the good things that are being accomplished by the County.

Through all of this, it is important to keep in mind that the vast majority of efforts and actions of the County, both administration and council, are done with the best interests of residents in mind and are serving us extremely well.

On behalf of the Cochrane and District Agricultural Society (CDAS), I can say we feel extremely fortunate for the support we have received throughout our history, which dates back past the formation of RVC.

Such support amounts to more than $680,000 in grants and sponsorships through the years and has been integral in creating the opportunities for the tens of thousands of residents using our facilities each year.

Sure, we have had moments where we weren’t on the same page, however, in dealing with each other with patience and respect, we have been able to come out of every discussion with a better solution for everyone.

The best example of this is the recent motion by council to sell the CDAS lease land to the CDAS for $1. This is, by far, the most significant contribution to the long-term security of the CDAS in our 100-plus-year history and should be considered a massive win for the residents of both RVC and the Town of Cochrane. This will make a difference in our community long past when most of us are here and will secure this property as an icon for community services and recreational opportunities for decades, if not centuries, to come.

So, let’s remember to look for the positive things that are being accomplished and remember to thank those that are making it happen.

The CDAS is thankful for all of RVC’s past support and for its current efforts to sell our lease land to us, ensuring we can continue to serve our community.

Justin Burwash


Cochrane and District Agricultural Society

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