Critique of council unfair

RE: “Disappointed with council decision” letter, Dec. 13, 2018. Dear Editor, I would like to comment on the Dec. 13, 2018 letter from Ron Roffel. I understand his frustration at the 8.47 per cent increase in property tax, as our level of service has not gone up, so has our taxes. The federal government took away a benefit. No one would like to lose any benefit. It would be like the feds, taking our 6300 for personal exceptions out of the tax returns. You certainly would be upset, as our mayor and council are. You would want to make it back, right? This $60,000 makes sense; this City council has done a pretty good job. The tax increases in this city only pay a small amount toward City council and its pay. Saying it’s a cop out for council to justify the increase because other cities and towns do it this way is unfair. I do not live there – if the grass is greener, please move. I would like to see everyone stay, but if you see no other choice, fine, have a great time in your new city. Ed Skelding Sagewood

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