Crossfield council continues to spend frivolously

Re: “Crossfield Council Briefs,” July 20

Dear editor,

Why is it that Crossfield council loves to spend taxpayers' dollars so frivolously?

The council promised the residents a plebiscite to vote on a location for the new civic centre. They then retracted and gave us a vote on a question which cost taxpayers $3,500.

I am wondering why this question could not have been asked on the ballots of the upcoming elections? I heard from council that they felt the residents wanted an answer and closure. How much did the designs for the previous council chosen locations cost taxpayers? Does anyone else wonder the same?

I think it is time we make council a little more accountable for the spending of our money.

Council knew that residents wanted their voices heard, yet continued to spend our dollars to draft up designs that fit only their needs and catered to their interests. Council was quoted as saying that they do not know if the existing plans can be massaged to fit the chosen site.

Where has their due diligence gone? Is that not an issue that should have been handled before offering the location?

Perhaps council needs to realize that a lot of residents are tired of their antics.

Not to worry, there is an election coming. Hopefully the new council will have learned from the ignorance of the present council.

Cheryl Todd Shergold,


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