Cruel to punish child for parents' negligence

Dear Editor,

I am sending this message after an incident at Crossfield Elementary School involving ice cream treats rewarded to some of the students May 30.

I noticed my grandson, and many other kindergarten students, come out of the school with an ice cream treat, but there were a few that didn’t have one – some children were in tears. I listened in to try to overhear the teacher explain why some got these treats, and some did not. The kids were denied a treat because their parents had not completed the Rocky View Schools online survey. This is hard to explain to a crying child whose classmates are all receiving treats. Lucky for me, my daughter had done the survey so my grandson received the ice cream, otherwise I can promise he too would have been in tears.

I am not sure if this was just a kindergarten survey or if the whole school participated in this. If so, that adds up to a lot of disappointed kids.

It seems cruel to punish a child for the parents negligence. I understand it was just an innocent attempt to get the parents to complete a survey, but in the end, every one of those children should have received a treat.

Sarah Harvey


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