Former mayor weighs in on Crossfield election

Dear editor, Just recently, I had the pleasure of meeting a young man by the name of Nathan Anderson.

I had seen his signs around Crossfield, indicating that he is a contender for mayor in Crossfield, in the upcoming municipal election.

I went to his website to find out exactly what his platform is.

I can honestly say that I was impressed at the vision and content of his platform, but I thought, ‘what kind of person is he?’ Anyone can put all kinds of things on a website to impress the voters, so a meeting was arranged.

What struck me most initially was his maturity beyond his years and a grasp of the issues at hand in this community.

I questioned him on certain parts of his platform, and in a calm level voice began to explain where he saw the deficiencies in the operation of the Town of Crossfield and what he saw were the solutions to these deficiencies.

He realizes that any changes would be with the co-operation of his colleagues on council and through the public engagement process.

He is under no misconception that we are all in this together.

As the conversation continued, his passion for the Town and its residents became all too apparent, and his commitment to taking Crossfield to the next level was one of his major objectives.

To my mind, I feel that Nathan Anderson is just what this community needs to lead us in such volatile and uncertain financial times and bring prosperity back to Crossfield.

I see in him the five D’s: Dedication, Determination, Drive, Desire and Discipline - all the qualities that a mayor needs to hit the ground running and becomes an effective public servant.

I therefore personally support Nathan Anderson in his bid for the office of the mayor of Crossfield and hope that the residents would see the potential this young man has to offer our community.

Mike Budd,

Former Mayor, Town of Crossfield

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