Great experience with Rocky View County

Dear Editor, On Nov. 27, I attended my second Rocky View County (RVC) council meeting, to hear a proposed bylaw regarding water/wastewater utility sustainability. I was pleased with the process, administration presentation, councillor participation and the outcome. Upon arrival at the new RVC office, I was greeted by a very friendly employee who was very helpful to explain process and print me the bylaw submission I was there to hear. The new building’s lobby is bright and roomy, with seating and monitors for you watch council in progress – allowing you to relax or prepare outside the official meeting room until your item of interest is up for discussion. Once inside, I watched a new council ask very relevant questions and often refer to administration for clarification and input. The process appeared, to me, effective and fair. I was very impressed by a few councillors who expressed genuine interest and knowledge of items being discussed, even if outside their division. This is the job of each member of council, to actively and effectively represent on all agenda items, even if it is not relevant to the area in which they reside. The bylaw I was there to hear was presented as a direct result of administration reacting to stakeholder concerns. Although we often complain and assume facts regarding issues in our community at the local coffee shop or bar, this is not effective for resolution or outcome. This past week, I wrote emails to two different departments of administration (with a CC to my councillor) and received prompt, informative, factual responses. RVC administration has very knowledgeable dedicated staff and should be utilized to provide information regarding your community concerns. This also allows them intel into common stakeholder concerns that could be resolved through internal process. Thank you, RVC staff and council. Crystal Cassidy 48-year Bragg Creek resident

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