Honest mistake prompts apology

Dear editor,

At the All Candidates Forum on Oct. 5 and at the Youth Forum on Oct. 6, I wore a pink cowboy hat for many reasons. The main reason was to show support to a friend of mine who is going through breast cancer. Another was to show how proud I am of my Western heritage; you don’t have to dress western only at Stampede time.

My sincerest apologies if offended anyone by not removing my hat during the singing of our National Anthem. I have been a Canadian Citizen for more than 25 years and should have known better. To be honest with you, even though I have done many public appearances (this was my first with a hat), I was very nervous and it just slipped my mind to remove my hat. I am not using this reason as an excuse. I am just trying to explain myself to anyone that I have offended. I would like to thank them for making me aware of my mistake.

On a positive note, regarding the forum on Oct. 5, of all the forums I’ve attended here in Airdrie, this was the best attended by far. Never before have I seen a full house for a political forum in 15 years. I would like to thank the sponsors and the citizens of Airdrie for attending. I hope you all vote on Oct. 18.

Sharron Harripersad, Candidate for alderman

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