Increase in FOIP requests costs taxpayers

Dear Editor, How very disappointing to see Rocky View County (RVC) administration has been compelled to approach council with a request for increased funding to hire more personnel to deal with the recent onslaught of FOIP (Freedom of Information) requests. I should stipulate my disappointment is not with administration’s request, but rather with whomever is responsible for flooding the County with these requests. Freedom of information is absolutely critical in our democracy, but given this upsurge, there may be a more nefarious game afoot. It seems clear that somebody, or some group, is behind this unusual surge of requests. And while those individuals requesting the information themselves are protected by privacy (as well they should be), as is the information they are asking for, one does not have to look far to see a common thread. In the last several issues of the Rocky View Weekly and on several social media sites, the same group of anti-everything crusaders seem to be touting conspiracy theories that the sky is falling or RVC is going to hell in a handbasket. They seem to want to move everywhere but forward. Not only is RVC administration being forced to spend countless hours conducting what we might presume are frivolous fishing expeditions, but it is costing the taxpayers of RVC thousands of dollars. It is distracting administration and council from doing the real work needed – building a strong and vibrant RVC. David Rupert Bragg Creek

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