It's time for Crossfield mayor to go

Re: “Crossfield Mayor to run for re-election in the fall” Aug. 17

Dear editor,

Reading that Mayor Phil McCracken of Crossfield plans to run for re-election this fall brought an old saying to mind, “If it isn’t broke, don’t try to fix it.” Well. Crossfield residents, we are definitely broken and we definitely need to fix things!

We have given Mayor McCracken three long years to “Make Change” as his 2007 campaign slogan kept stating. The only change that has happened in this town is it has gone from bad to worse. I attend council meetings and I have to say that it is a painful experience to sit through a meeting run by someone who after three years, still does not understand proper procedure and protocol. I have to state that in my personal opinion, our tax dollars have not been wisely invested in Mr. McCracken.

Crossfield needs someone who is able to run a multi-million-dollar company with fiscal responsibility. That person needs to have enough backbone to make the way we have always done things change to doing things differently. We have some deep-rooted issues with how this town is being run and they need to be acknowledged and confronted. This person needs to be able to go out and give Crossfield the business representation of the utmost professional quality, which it deserves. Mayor McCracken has proven over the last three years that he does not possess those qualities.

I think it is time that Crossfield residents speak loudly and vote for change!

Cheryl Todd Shergold,


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