Mann: More lobbyist than candidate for mayor

Re: “Mayor must explain City’s stand on bussing,” Sept. 17.

Dear editor,

I am writing to Ross Mann’s letter published in your Sept. 17 edition.

Mr. Mann, you sound more like a lobbyist for Traxx than a candidate for mayor.

You mention the company no less than 10 times in you letter. You state if elected mayor you would tell the province that Traxx should be allowed to operate in Airdrie. Is this how you intend to serve the people of Airdrie?

My goodness, is this your number one priority?

You also mentioned your “team.” Who are they? Other disgruntled business owners waiting for you to be mayor so you can lobby for them as well?

It sounds to me like you are more interested in looking out for your buddies than the citizens of Airdrie.

Bob Dawnson, Airdrie

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