Mayor McCracken is the men to get the job done

Re: “It’s time for Crossfield mayor to go,” LTE Aug. 31

Dear editor,

I will agree that Mayor McCracken does not always follow procedure when it comes to the formality of the Town council, but to be honest it is that attitude that gets things done.

My personal experience can be used as an example of this being a positive attribute.

I had a substantial amount of damage done to my property by a development project.

I spent months calling the Town Office and writing letters to Town council that were never replied to.

With the damage only getting worse by the month, I sent emails to Mayor McCracken as well as all the other members of Town council. Guess who was the one person out of the Town council that replied to my email? Mayor Phil McCracken.

He read the email and took notice of the content in it instead of brushing me off for not following procedure. He not only replied to that email, but spent the next year battling along side of me to get those needed repairs done.

I will also agree that we need a mayor that is going to shake things up within the Town of Crossfield.

But did you ever stop to think that maybe it is the procedures and protocols that you want the mayor to follow that are getting in the way of anything happening?

I have gone to meetings and heard a million and one reasons why something couldn’t happen because of policy, procedure or protocols.

I know after talking to Mayor McCracken that he would love nothing more then to shake things up and see improvements to the appearance of Main Street, youth programs to keep our youths off the street, improvements to our schools and parks and to make the Town of Crossfield a desirable place to live.

Mayor McCracken has done a lot for the residents of Crossfield that did not follow protocol or procedures or go into the meeting minutes.

Sherri Spatuk, Crossfield

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