Mr. Hamilton's advertisement doesn't tell the whole truth

Re: “Letter to Airdrie Voters,” Advertisement, Oct. 8

Dear editor,

Mr. Hamilton took out an advertisement in our local newspapers last week, with the objective of smearing City Hall and me during Airdrie’s election campaign. The information in this ad is either false or just part of the story.

Mr. Hamilton stated that his taxes went up by 27.5 per cent in 2009 and not the 3.97 per cent City Hall promised. The percentages may be correct, but Mr. Hamilton has taken this information out of context. A former real estate professional, it appears that Mr. Hamilton has forgotten how property taxes are calculated. The City simply does not take your last tax bill and add 3.97 per cent as he would suggest. Taxes are based on the assessed market value of your property. We all know property values fluctuate from year to year. Council determined that there needed to be an increase to tax revenues by 3.97 per cent. Administration then took that total tax revenue amount and divided it by the total assessed value of property in Airdrie. The resulting number became the tax rate or mill rate. The mill rate multiplied by your assessed property value equals your tax bill. The process becomes a little more complicated than that because we have a split mill rate for non-residential property (they pay more than residential), however, this is essentially the process. If property in your neighbourhood appreciated more in value than other neighbourhoods, then you will pay more in taxes. Obviously, some are going to pay more than 3.97 per cent and others will pay less depending on the assessment of the property.

Mr. Hamilton stated that City staff and their families get free admission to Genesis Place. This is partially true. Staff members receive free admission but their families do not. Mr. Hamilton stated that the City does not tender for construction projects; this is absolutely false. The City follows very strict procurement practices.

Mr. Hamilton stated that the City manager (myself) received $182,313.00 in 2008 and an increase of $101,576 in 2009 ($283,889). This is accurate; however, he did not provide any further information hoping that your imagination would fill in the blanks. My salary in 2008 was $168,148.50 and the remaining amount was health benefits and a contribution towards my pension. In 2009, my salary was $180,000 with the remaining amount being health benefits, pension contribution and partial payout of the pension (I retired) and vacation payout. There were also 27 pay periods instead of the normal 26 in 2009. The City establishes salaries by surveying 12 like-communities, six smaller and six larger. They do this every two years and give the information to a private consultant who then recommends a salary band. For comparison purposes you may want to know that Okotoks and Rocky View County pay their C.A.O.’s more and Cochrane pays less.

The City has retained my services to negotiate the firefighters contract. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Hughes will be pleased to know that in 32 years of municipal experience, I have negotiated a number of union contracts as well as represented the City of Airdrie in legal proceedings. I am being paid roughly a quarter of what a contract negotiator would be paid or roughly the same as what you would pay an electrician or a plumber.

Next time, Mr. Hamilton, please respect your audience and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Oh, and the rest of the story would also be appreciated.

George Keen, Airdrie

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