Our County needs a new council

Dear editor, Recently, a brief dissertation entitled 29 Reasons to Leave Rocky View was well circulated in West Rocky View. I did not write the article and I don’t know who did. While I very much hope that separation does not become necessary, the article is entirely factual and fairly presented.

Even more recently a rebuttal appeared in that $60,000-a-year taxpayer-supported journal known as Vantage Point - that glossy periodical dedicated to the glorification of the current council - the one that does not provide space for the opinions of you or I.

The Reeve, never one to allow free speech to slide through, offered that rebuttal in the pre-Halloween edition of council’s latest propaganda attempt.

Although I’m sure it was not her intention, the Reeve actually makes the original reasons even stronger - much stronger.

Those who believe their desires and aspirations for the County are not being heard by council should read the original.

If you really want a scare, read the reeve’s response. Then you can assess the manipulative manner the council – at taxpayer expense - stifles dissenting opinions.

Nonetheless, there are facts-the GMS did not have enough public input, the ASPs are not adhered to, there is denial of mounting debt (or even worse - council doesn’t know what the debt really is-but, as the reeve says regarding mounting debt-it, “is done so for the good of its citizens”), minutes were removed from the website, it is costing taxpayers a fortune to supply water to CrossIron Mills, the concept of nodes and cores have had no public input and opposition groups did receive cease and desist letters,etc,etc,etc

I would encourage all voters to read both versions before the upcoming election on Oct. 18.

Then you won’t have to wait until Halloween to get scared, really scared.

We could get three more years of no treats but many tricks.

Jerry Arshinoff, Springbank

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