Residents bear the brunt of recent council decisions

Dear Editor,

Wow, we now have a free for all – with the blessing of the majority on Rocky View County (RVC) council – for shooting and gravel pits in populated areas. The Firearms Bylaw and Aggregate Resource Plan have been squashed by these five or six councillors, and the population of the county will bear the brunt.

Trophy moose and deer heads have been seen hanging in the trees not far from my home, and a neighbour took it upon himself to shoot and kill a mother fox and her babies in the yard adjacent to his. Property values, health issues and safety have deteriorated because of nearby gravel pits.

Zero tolerance for bullying and stupidity is my motto, and I can only hope the residents of RVC will stand up and be counted. This is unacceptable.

NIMBY? You bet I am. I don’t particularly want killing and gravel pits in my backyard.

Gloria Wilson

Division 9

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