Time to do something about the complaints

Dear Editor,

It was wonderful to see so many people out at the Springbank polling station Oct. 21, signing the petition after they voted. Until then, I hadn't heard anything about it. I’m so glad that residents have taken the initiative to ask the province to do an inspection of Rocky View County.

After taking one of their flyers and reading more about it, I have learned there are people opposing the petition, including the other six councillors. Why? What are they afraid of? If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be standing in the way of residents asking for some transparency and accountability in County operations.

I sincerely hope that everyone takes the time to learn about the petition and considers signing it. There have been complaints about how the County is run for as long as I can remember. Now we have an opportunity to try and do something about it.

Maria Wallace

Division 2
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