'Viciously' denying the straight majority

Dear Editor,

Is it dangerous to be a straight person in Airdrie? In Alberta? In Canada? Not yet. But it’s becoming dangerous to promote oneself as a straight. The intention of a group called It’s Great to be Straight (IGTBS) to raise a straight pride flag in Airdrie Aug. 12, 2019 drew a whopping amount of poisonous attacks from the Airdrie City View and Couns. Tina Petrow and Al Jones.

It’s nothing more than a typical attempt from the "left" at silencing not only Larry Boland, but everyone not willing to trumpet LGBT(Q) ideology. Why does City council viciously deny the straight majority the very same basic rights granted by default to the LGBT(Q) community? Why is it OK to run a “gay pride parade” displaying rainbow symbols and raise a flag and not find it socially acceptable to have an event for heterosexuals? What is wrong with that? Nothing, of course. When did raising a flag proclaiming all people of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds and religious belief, who simply live life straight become bigoted and divisive?

The criticism shows Boland is doing something right – IGTBS just wants to have its own celebration, like everyone else has a right to exercise their personal liberty. For a full month, we had little choice but to succumb to the tyranny of the LGTB(Q). Unless we are hyphenated Canadians, don’t count on getting a heritage month, because you are dismissed as privileged – so much for treating everyone with respect and dignity. While there are no month-long celebrations of Western Civilization or overt gratitude towards the brave founders who established our great country, there are heritage months for politically-favoured groups.

If diversity means anything, surely it is tolerating a range of values. Today’s progressives are captured by an ideology that is fundamentally anti-Canadian. The left won’t celebrate the contributions, strength and acceptance of heterosexuals who have influenced Alberta’s rich history, or the straight lifestyle, because their beliefs demand that they denigrate or belittle Albertans that hold these values. Individual freedom and liberty is the Canadian spirit and that is exactly why we should make a difference and celebrate the raising of a straight-pride flag. Boland’s view should not be marginalized. This is an opportunity to bring leadership that represents all residents of Airdrie.

Steve Taylor

Yankee Valley Estates

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