We need the Province to fund schools in Airdrie now

Re: “If we stop the growth, we stop the growing pains” LTE July 9

Dear editor,

I respect the writer’s concerns regarding the municipal management of our city’s growth. As parents in our school council meetings, we struggled to understand the magnitude of growth without schools to support it. We understand that we live in a highly desirable area. We needed to understand the role that the City, the developers and the Province each play. I admit that this is still a learning curve for us.

However, I disagree with the writer’s comment that “the City of Airdrie can solve the schools crisis faster than the Province and with no government spending.”

The first important fact is that we needed new schools to be approved long before now. Even if Airdrie shut its city gates today, we don’t have near enough student spaces.

The second fact is that until some other process is in place, which we don’t have time to wait on, the Provincial government is the source of funding for schools. We live in a society where the Provincial government has taken responsibility for the education of our children. So I think it is irresponsible to let the government off on neglecting to turn our tax dollars into already desperately needed schools.

For the critical facts, visit www.airdrieschools.wordpress.com

Donna Pearce, Chair, Airdrie Council of School Councils

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