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Council cancels median for Main Street

Council cancels median for Main Street

After listening to the wishes of the majority of residents, Beiseker council unanimously moved to scrap a centre median planned for Main Street from its beautification program.
Provincial government has abused democracy

Provincial government has abused democracy

Democracy has a very interesting history. It has provided the world with a form of government that when nurtured and upheld, has resulted in unprecedented prosperity and respect for civil liberties.
" Passion is the one thing that will keep us engaged and driven in our future"

" Passion is the one thing that will keep us engaged and driven in our future"

Passion is a powerful thing. It gives us the motivation and enthusiasm that we need, to accomplish our goals. Good afternoon parents, teachers, staff, honoured guests, family members, community members and of course, fellow graduates.
Parents plead for classroom space

Parents plead for classroom space

Hundreds of parents, politicians, teachers and school board representatives came to City Hall on June 24 for a forum regarding the school space crisis in Airdrie.
CRP presents economic development strategy

CRP presents economic development strategy

The Calgary Regional Partnership presented a key planing document at its annual general meeting, June 25. The 10-Year Economic Development Strategy will guide business retention, growth and attraction efforts in hopes of creating jobs in the region.
Partnership to receive millions for transit

Partnership to receive millions for transit

Airdrie will receive part of the $800 million the Province recently announced for transit funding in the Calgary area, although it is not known exactly how much.
RCMP Musical Ride in Irricana cancelled

RCMP Musical Ride in Irricana cancelled

The RCMP Musical Ride’s Irricana event on July 15 has been cancelled. One of the horses has contracted a low-grade case of Streptococcus Equi, an equine bacterial infection that is commonly known as Strangles.
New skatepark vandalized

New skatepark vandalized

Sometime over the weekend of June 19 and 20, unknown suspects spray painted the new skateboard park located near the Chinook Winds Sports Complex. Culprits used grey and black spray paint to vandalize the skatepark, leaving the tags “W.S.K.
Fallen girder halts traffic

Fallen girder halts traffic

At 12:30 a.m. on June 24, the Airdrie Integrated Traffic Unit responded to an incident at the construction zone near the Cross Iron Mills mall on Highway 2, near Balzac.
Farmers railroaded on train fees

Farmers railroaded on train fees

A new study suggests that railways are charging Canadian farmers $200 million a year more than they should to haul grain.
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