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Cochrane Generals to have their own beer

Cochrane Generals to have their own beer

Rocky View Brewing Company's "The General" is expected to hit the market sometime in July.
Fire evacuation drill in Bragg Creek a success

Fire evacuation drill in Bragg Creek a success

Rocky View area emergency responders do mock evacuation exercise in Bragg Creek
Editorial: negative politics

Editorial: negative politics

Negative tone dominates Alberta political discourse
COVID's sixth wave levelling off: Copping

COVID's sixth wave levelling off: Copping

Wastewater levels show latest wave of COVID levelling off, says Alberta's Health Minister.
Cochrane to Calgary trail name selection to be announced soon

Cochrane to Calgary trail name selection to be announced soon

Legacy trail naming contest complete, winner to be announced in next two weeks.
Four-year-old Alberta boy fights COVID complications

Four-year-old Alberta boy fights COVID complications

A Southern Alberta family is fighting a COVID related battle with their 4-year-old son that shows how serious and long-lasting the effects can be. Xavier Ferguson has been in the hospital since April 1.
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