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As Canadians, it is our solemn duty to make fun of politicians

As Canadians, it is our solemn duty to make fun of politicians

The thing about politicians is, if you don’t put them back in their place every once in a while, they start to think they’re important. As Canadians, it’s our solemn duty to vote, pay taxes and make fun of politicians.
What's in a name? If your parents are ridiculous, Lotta Bacon

What's in a name? If your parents are ridiculous, Lotta Bacon

Oh, you modern parents. You think youíre all so original, giving your children these weirdo, misspelled names. But the truth is, youíre all a bunch of sheep.
Superheroes needed: What's your superpower?

Superheroes needed: What's your superpower?

What makes you awesome? Thatís not rhetorical or sarcastic. Think of an answer.
Faith And Culture: Help! They're trying to make me redundant!

Faith And Culture: Help! They're trying to make me redundant!

“It’s not clear to me that the development of spirituality of any deep and abiding sort has in any religious tradition… been a function of convenience.
My weight loss advice to you: Unless you have to, don't lose weight

My weight loss advice to you: Unless you have to, don't lose weight

I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Of course, it wasn’t until recently that I realized just who New Year’s resolutions are for. New Year’s resolutions are not for teenagers.
2012: The Year of the Rose?

2012: The Year of the Rose?

2011 was certainly a year to remember.
The New Year promises to be exciting in the Rocky View region

The New Year promises to be exciting in the Rocky View region

The year 2011 brought many changes and improvements to Rocky View county, which promise to continue into the new year. Rocky Viewís new councillors became accustomed to their roles and began to affect change within region.
A momentous year for our country ends on a positive note

A momentous year for our country ends on a positive note

The year 2011 will go down as a momentous one in Canadian politics.
Faith Matters: Looking to move on? Why not start with God?

Faith Matters: Looking to move on? Why not start with God?

The new year has arrived. It is often at this time that many people find themselves thinking about making some changes in their lives. We call it making New Yearís resolutions.
Predictions for 2012: Debt, war, the end of the world. And more Nickelback

Predictions for 2012: Debt, war, the end of the world. And more Nickelback

Gather ‘round the Magic Eight Ball, boys and girls, it’s time for my annual Predictions for the New Year column.
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